Rockstar Addresses the Grand Theft Auto Leak: Who Was Behind It?

Rockstar Addresses the Grand Theft Auto Leak

On September 18th, 2022, teapotuberhacker posted around 90 videos of around 50 minutes on the GTAForums that showed off an in-development version of Rockstar’s upcoming game, Grand Theft Auto 6. These videos started making rounds on social media, and shortly after, the hacker announced on the forum that they wanted to strike a deal with Rockstar to return the unreleased data. Included in this was the source code for Grand Theft Auto 5 and the in-development version of their upcoming GTA 6. 

The footage showed work-in-progress gameplay from many stages of development. Some clips were short and showed animation testing; some were longer and showed whole scenes. Many fans claimed that the videos were fake, but the quantity of work makes it hard to believe that the footage was produced just to confuse people. Furthermore, GTA publishers have also acknowledged the leak, further proving that the videos are, in fact, from Rockstar.

The hacker claims that they obtained the footage by hacking their way into Rockstar’s Slack channel, which is the communication platform that the company uses for internal collaborations. They claimed that the videos were found there and were easily downloadable. 

This was not the first time that teapotuberhacker had hacked a company. They were also responsible for the recent data breach in Uber. Slack, the messaging app, was used as a point of entry in both hackings. However, the Rockstar hack is not as severe as the Uber one; as in the latter, the hacker has access to the entire network.

The company has refused to comment on the situation beyond confirming that they had suffered a data intrusion and that they are incredibly disappointed that the game leaked through a data breach and are committed to delivering its next installment to celebrate the franchise. 

Rockstar has issued takedown notices to various social media accounts to protect the videos from spreading further. The original GTAForum thread where the leak originated was also removed and relaunched. The new version does not have any links or details on GTA 6.

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