Pokémon GO: Type Strengths and Weaknesses Explained

Pokémon GO

When it comes to Pokémon GO, there are many things to keep track of. As a result, knowing the strengths and weaknesses is an integral part of mastering the art of winning any fight. In comparison to the rest of the Pokémon series, the way Pokémon supports and assists in Pokémon GO is a little different. Because it’s nearly hard to keep track of all the Pokémon types, our Pokémon Type Chart will walk you through the strengths, weaknesses, and efficacy of different types of encounters in Pokémon GO.

What are the different types of Pokemon?

Pokemon Go features up to 18 different types of Pokemon and Pokemon attacks/moves. These include 

  1.  Fire 
  2. Grass
  3. Water
  4. Ice
  5. Rock
  6. Ground
  7. Flying
  8.  Psychic
  9.  Normal
  10. Poison
  11. Bug
  12. Steel 
  13. Ghost
  14.  Fighting
  15. Electric
  16. Dark
  17.  Dragon 
  18. Fairy

In the game, Pokemon types and Pokemon attack types play a massive role in the gym battling. Suppose one of the Pokemon’s attacks is strong against the opponent it is fighting with. In that case, the Super Effective play could easily do 20-30% damage/ But if the attack is weak against the opponent, it will be ineffective and won’t do much to the opponent. It is essential as a player for you to understand all these terms because they will contribute to you playing excellent and even poor. So before you get into playing, understand the basics of the game.

How Different Types Impact the Battle in Pokemon Go

How Different Types Impact the Battle in Pokemon Go

Each Pokemon has one or two types, as diehard Pokemon fans are well aware, and these types impact how that Pokémon battles. Type is crucial for the Pokemon Trainer since certain types are stronger than others, allowing you to deal or take more damage or reduce the amount of damage suffered.

There are 18 different types, and individually each of the types is either weak, strong, or has neutral powers. We start with Pokemon, which breaks down to the Paper, Rock, and Scissors category. Then comes the Charmander, also known as the fire, which beats Bulbasaur, known as the Grass, who then ends up defeating Squirtle, also known as the Water, and then all is taken over by the fire. 

All of this will make sense when you know more about the different Pokemon types or when you start to consider Pokemon with types. Keep in mind that multiple moves have types that you will find by the end of this article. 

Understanding The Pokemon Go Types 

All users should be aware that in Pokemon Go, every type of Pokemon has four different relationships with other types, which include the following:

  • Strong: This attack is the super effective attack where the strong goes against the other listed type. The damage to the opponent is additional in the strong attack. 
  • Weak: This is represented as the not very effective type of attack where these types will do minor damage to the enemy you are fighting with. 
  • Vulnerable: This is your type of weakness. These attacks bring more damage to your kind, so watch out!
  • Resistance: They are listed as a resist, and taking attacks from the resist types will do minor damage to you. 

For example, a Ground-type Pokemon/move is Strong against Poison, Steel, Rock, Fire, or Electric types on the offensive, doing double damage to them. It only deals half-damage to Flying, Bug, and Grass Pokemon. In terms of defense, that same Ground-type Pokemon will take less damage from Poison, Rock, and Electric Pokemon but double damage from Water, Grass, and Ice – all of which it is prone to.

Pokemon Go: Weaknesses, Strengths, and Effectiveness Explained 

Types Strong Against Weak AgainstVulnerable to Resistant to
NormalSteel, Rock, Ghost Fighting Ghost
Fighting Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, SteelFighting type weakness is Fairy, Flying, Poison, Bug, Psychic, Ghost Fairy, Psychic, Flying Bug, Dark, Rock
Flying Bug, Grass, Fighting flying-type weakness is Electric, Steel, RockIce, Electric, RockFighting, Ground, Bug, Grass
PoisonFairy, Grass Poison weakness is Ground, Ghost, Steel, Poison, RockGround, PsychicFairy, Fighting, Poison, Grass
Ground Electric, Fire, Steel, Rock, PoisonGround pokemon weakness is Bug, Grass, Flying Water, Grass, Ice Poison, Rock, Electric 
RockFlying, Bug, Fire, Ice Ground, Fighting, SteelSteel, Water, Ground, Grass, Fighting Normal, Flying, Fire, Poison
BugDark, Psychic, Grass Fire, Fairy, Ghost, Fighting, Flying, Steel, Poison are all Bug type weaknessFlying, Rock, Fire Ground, Grass, Flying 
Ghost Ghost, Psychic Ghost weakness pokemon include: Normal, DarkGhost, DarkNormal, Fighting, Poison, Bug 
Steel Fairy, Ice, RockSteel pokemon weakness include: Fire, Water, Electric, Steel Fighting, Ground, Fire Normal, Flying, Poison, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy
Fire Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice Rock, Fire, Water, Dragon are all Fire type weaknessGround, Rock, Water Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice 
Water Ground, Rock, Fire Water, Grass, DragonGrass, Electric Steel, Fire, Water, Ice 
Grass Ground, Rock, Water Flying, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, Dragon are all Grass type weaknessFlying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice Ground, Water, Grass, Electric
Electric Flying, Water Ground, Grass, Electric, Dragon are all Electric type weaknessGround Flying, Steel, Electric
Psychic Fighting, PoisonPsychic pokemon weakness include: Steel, Psychic, DarkBug, Ghost, DarkFighting, Psychic 
Ice Flying, Ground, Grass, DesignIce type weaknessesare Steel, Water, Fire, IceFighting, Rock, Steel, Fire Ice 
DragonDragonDragon type weakness include: Steel, FairyFire, Water, Electric, GrassIce, Dragon, Fairy
FairyFighting, Dark, DragonPoison, Steel, Fire are all Fairy pokemon weaknessPoison, SteelBug, Dragon, Dark, Fighting
DarkGhost, PsychicFighting, Dark, FairyFighting, Bug, FairyGhost, Psychic Dark

If the Pokemon is challenging to handle during a raid or a fight, consider their type and then structure your team accordingly, so you have the right Pokemon type. Make battles beneficial for you, and make the right moves attached to the Pokemon. Keep in mind that the Pokemon and their movements have their type. 

It can be a little complicating to understand, but yes, you can have the Fairy and Fire-type Pokemon who also have the Flying-type move, and together they contribute towards making a move even more effective. Keep in mind that the Pokemon and its action keep evolving and can influence how you use it. You can make use of the above chart to build a team that can be effective during battles and even raids. 

How to Remember Pokemon Go Types?


People worldwide have been playing this game and its series for quite some time, which is why it has become second nature to them. The full set of relationships and how things work are probably inside your memory. Still, it is essential to know that all of these logical relationships exist inside the Pokemon game. 

One of the best examples taught at the start of every Pokemon game is how Fire is super effective when used against grass, which is also super effective when used against water, which is quite effective when used against Fire. To make it easier, keep in mind that. 

Grass gets burnt by Fire, grass thrives in water, and water can finally put out the Fire. To get you started, we have a few ideas:

  • Psychic is quite effective when used against Fighting, but it becomes vulnerable to ghosts in the dark because it becomes hard for the mind to cope in an unknown place that might be prone to supernaturals. 
  • Rock is quite effective against flying and goes with the saying of killing two birds with a stone. 
  • Whereas the type on the Ground is very immune to electric attacks. This happens because the vital principle of an electric circuit is being grounded, but the Ground can be cracked with ice and even exploited by grass. 

In the end, it all comes down to knowing the right ways to work the game. Having an idea about the types will give you leverage and help you move further in the game. 

How does the effectiveness differ from other Pokemon Games?

As you may have seen, Pokemon Go has no Type immunities, unlike the ones present in the main series. But it isn’t the end of the story. The immunities which are removed include

  1. Flying is immune to Ground
  2. The Ground is resistant to Electric 
  3. Dark is immune to Psychic
  4. Fairy is immune to Dragon
  5. Ghost is immune to Normal and Fighting
  6. Normal and Fighting is immune to Ghost
  7. Dark is immune to Psychic 
  8. Steel is resistant to Poison

Instead of providing overall damage resistance, it initially functioned similarly to regular resistances. They’ve now been adjusted to form a new degree of resistance. The defensive Pokémon would ordinarily be immune, suffering only 0.39 times the actual damage it would typically take – in other words, type immunity reduces damage received by nearly a third. To make it easier, we have a rundown of all the multipliers that apply to the super effective, standard, not very effective, immune, and effective double attacks:

  1. Double Effective: 2.56x damage, instead of the 4x damage which was done in the main series of game
  2. Immunity: 0.39x damage, instead of the 0 damage done in the main series. 
  3. Super effective: 1.6x damage, instead of the 2x damage in the main series.
  4. Not very effective: 0.625x damage is replaced by the 0.5x damage done in the main Pokemon series. 

In other words, the most recent changes to Type effectiveness give them an advantage over the multipliers in the mainline games, but not completely. It does, however, make Type effectiveness all the more vital, so if you can, get to grips with those clashes!

In Pokemon GO, how do you determine type weaknesses and resistances?

Weaknesses and resistances in Pokemon GO are computed using an increase in percentage or decrease, which is a little more difficult to do when compared to the main series. This is due to the fact that it is not a precise doubling or halving game like the main games. 

When a move strikes its target, the type of matchup determines the damage. Following are the percentages by which damage is doubled in various situations: 

Single weakness to move type200%A Fire-type move hits a Grass-type
Double weakness to move type400%A Fire-type move hits a Grass/Ice-type
Resistance to move type50%A Fire-type move hits a Water-type
Double resistance to move type25%A Fire-type move hits a Water/Rock-type
Immunity to move type0%A Ground-type move hits a Flying-type
Resistant and weak to move type100%A Bug-type move hits a Grass/Flying-type attack

It’s not a perfect mathematical translation, but while doing damage on the go, it’s easiest to conceive of it in terms of points. Assume that a single weakness is worth +1 point, resistance is worth -1 point, and immunity is worth -2 points. A matchup may be calculated very roughly yet rapidly using the Pokemon type chart. 

When a Fire-type move strikes a Grass-type, it means +1 because there’s only one vulnerability. Suppose the target is an Abomasnow, a dual Grass/Ice type, which is a +2 because it has two weaknesses against the Fire type. Fire-type moves will deal “double” damage to it. Again, it’s not exactly double, but it’s sufficiently close for quick calculation. 

In Pokemon, what constitutes the Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB)?

Sadly, one metric is missing from this equation, which we must examine in order to understand the entire picture: Same-kind Attack Bonus, a damage enhancement if the move utilized is of the same kind as the user.

For instance, when a Fairy-type Pokemon performs a Fairy-type move, the move will deal more significant damage than if used by another type. 

The STAB in Pokemon averages a 20% increase to the move executed, so the damage is multiplied by 120%. This is an aspect of the entire equation; therefore, keep it in mind when performing an estimation of a type of matchup.

STAB is frequently cited as the reason why some Pokemon are not regarded competitively advantageous or why people say things like “if [Pokemon] had a choice of [move], it’d be way better!”

Pokemon perform far better when utilizing a move of the same kind, so if a Pokemon lacks availability to a STAB move, it will frequently fall behind in competition rankings. This may not always be a disadvantage. Some Pokemon are so strong or powerful that their STAB calculation is meaningless.

Mewtwo, who is regarded as one of the strongest Ice-type attackers in the game, is maybe the best illustration of this. It has the ability to learn Ice Beam but isn’t an Ice-type. It is, nevertheless, powerful enough to outperform particular Ice-type Pokemon that benefit from STAB.


  1. How do you memorize a Pokemon Chart?

Memorizing the Pokemon chart may be challenging, but keep in mind that it can be done using a mnemonic. Also, you can remember that Fire can burn Ice, Bugs, Steel, and Grass. Water drowns Fire, Rock, and even solid Ground. While Normal attacks are standard no matter who your opponent is. 

  1. How do you remember a Pokemon weakness?

If you want to remember the weakness of each Pokemon type, then treat it as if it is a reality and note a game. For instance, Wildfires destroy plants, forests, and other vegetation along the way. The same goes for Grass-type because fire-type is its weakness. 

  1. What kills Fire Pokemon?

Fire Pokemon is weak to Water, Ground, and Rock types. 

Bottom Line

When you’re in a dilemma during Raids or battles, refer to this Pokémon GO type chart and battle information that we have provided you with. Consider your opponent’s type and prepare your team with the appropriate Pokémon and moves. It’s challenging to keep track of all the different sorts and how successful they are. Practice makes perfect, so go out there and fight your greatest battles! 

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