Money Heist Season 5 Vol. 2 Review

Money Heist Season 5 Vol. 2

“Take it, take another piece of my heart now, baby” says the millions of fans after the great heist comes to an end. 

From a local Spanish series on Netflix to one of the world’s greatest, La casa de Papel, aka Money Heist, has undoubtedly won millions of hearts and has broken millions too. It all started with a bank robbery and ended with one too. 

And throughout the period, we faced agony, happiness, anguish, and achievement, but one thing is for sure we never were bored or disappointed at any point. Although volume 1’s ending wasn’t what we wished for or expected, it was bearable.

However, the ending left us puzzled and confused about the finale, and everybody started predicting the faiths of characters, unaware of the future where only the creator knew the real deal.

Volume 2

The finale started with the same intensity volume 1 ended with. While Tokyo departed and took 6 soldiers with her and Professor broke down, we all felt that it would get much worse.

The Chase

Then a moment later, Alicia Sierra escaped, and here we go again, “catch the golden cat” but as always, ended up with Professor handcuffed and Sierra with the leash. However, this time, it all ended up much quicker, and once again, the Professor was safe thanks to “Colonel Tamayo”

Gold! Gold! Gold!

Gold! Gold! Gold!

While their hide and seek was going on with the army, the gang at the bank was trying tooth and nail to pump 90 tons of gold out of the bank all the way to the stormwater tank.

Once the Professor escaped, the army and gold started reaching the stormwater tank. Everything was under control, or should I say it was a common perception.

Heist Within The Heist

Heist Within The Heist

Just when the last gold ingot reached the case, the stormwater tank was stormed by police which later turned out it was none other than Berlin’s own son Rafael with Berlin’s ex-wife Tatiana, but it was too late since they took all the gold with them and left no trace to reach them.

On Your Knees!

On Your Knees!

While the gang was busy celebrating the successful transfer of gold, unaware of the fact that they had been robbed, colonel Sagsta was hiding his ace up in the sleeve and waiting for the right moment to come.

And when the right moment came, bam! Every red-suited man was on their knees and waiting for the magic man, “the Professor” to do some miracle.

We all were about to cry when Tokyo turned our feeling into the words like:

“Even if they have us on our knees, even if it looks like there’s no hope like we’re almost dead, we keep on believing. Because we know we’ll always have the Professor.”

Master of Illusion

Master of Illusion

The real twist was Professor’s entry into the bank of Spain just to uplift the gang’s morale. Even in the handcuffs, the nerdy-looking guy never stopped messing with the government and even pushed them to the extent that they were compelled to negotiate with the guy in the handcuffs.

Master of Illusion

While the master was sweeping game after game, his ace was still up in his sleeve. In the face of Alicia Sierra, who was out there trying to comprehend how to find the stolen treasure.

The Stolen Treasure

The Stolen Treasure

While Sierra continued the search, our illusionist turned the whole operation into a maze. Every man on that operation started picking up those false clues from the Professor, which were nothing but hoaxes. As they say, “fake it till you make it.”

Redheads Face-Off

Redheads Face-Off

After tons of brainstorming, Sierra finally got the string and pulling that resulted in the unexpected face-off redheads Rafael, Tatiana, and Sierra. Things were really going south till Sierra grabbed a chit from her pocket gave that to Rafael with the message, “your uncle wrote this for you” after that, Sierra took out all the gold and left.

The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown

Back at the bank, all the government and Tamayo wanted was gold, and all they got was golden color brass ingots. Which surely triggered them to their cores, and the final 10 seconds were given. After which, we heard Bang! Bang! Bang! and body bags coming out of the bank. It was all hell till they started coming out of the bag alive, and we believed it was just another trick up in the Professor’s sleeve.


The ending was absolutely the one we wanted but wouldn’t dare to believe, coz it is a money heist, dear! Normal things don’t happen here. Still, here we are witnessing the fairy tale ending. There will be debates about whether this series is the greatest or not, but one thing is for sure the joy, fun, and thrilled we all had was for sure the greatest.

With news of its spin-off “Berlin” in 2023, all we can do is wait and hope it happens within the time and with the previous quality. Bella Ciao!

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