King’s Raid Tier List

King’s Raid Tier List

King’s Raid has been able to draw new players in with some stunning design and enthralling characters to play with, and it keeps current players hooked with its engaging gameplay and fun updates. King’s Raid game has two main game modes – Player versus Environment (PvE) and Player versus Player (PvP). Although both modes are similar in concept, they require different strategies and techniques to defeat enemies.

To keep things interesting, developers have given each mode its own unique characters, which you can play in the game; this allows for different equipment configurations and a lot more fun. You can stick to a single version that you prefer or try both modes to mix things up; we are fans of PvP and PvE. Our King’s Reddit tier lists provided below include heroes from both modes to help you make the best combos for success.

Our guide aims to help you learn about the distinguishing qualities of the various heroes of King’s Raid, so you know which ones to go for even before you start the game. We have covered almost all of the characters currently available in the game; let’s take a look at the tier lists and features below:

King’s Raid PvE vs. PvP

The tier list for King’s Raid is divided into two classifications according to the different modes: 

  1. Player versus Environment or PVE list
  2. Player versus Player or PVP list

The lists have been broken down into distinct parts because each mode requires different approaches and strategies to defeat enemies.

Who is the best Hero in King’s Raid PvE?

We will cut straight to the chase – our pick for the best PvE hero in King’s Raid is Artemia. Let us explain why – firstly, she is capable of Dela a lot of damage to enemies in AoE; she is excellent for larger groups of enemies. Secondly, she is effective against bosses; the ease with which she can defeat them is incredible. Placed behind the correct tank, she can overpower the opponents easily.

Who is the best Hero in King’s Raid PvP?

For PvP, our pick for the top hero is Loman. He has the most threatening combo of qualities against enemies – his survivability, power, and utility are unmatched. Adding him to your team will surely improve your chances of winning every time, especially if you know how to use him correctly by combining him with good DPS and a decent healer.

King’s Raid PvE Tier List

We have decided first to take a look at the tier Kings Raid tier list PvE. Consider our list to learn about the best characters to add to your team to increase your chances of success when playing against the environment.

Selecting your characters carefully will allow you to perform missions and kill bosses without much effort, so let’s take a look! 

S – Tier

The S-tier characters are hands down the very best ones in the game to play with. They will be excellent against enemies and bosses and will carry you to the end of the game with little effort.

Following are the greatest heroes to have in the King’s Raid Reddit PvE content:

ArtemiaAoE DPS
ZafirAoE DPS
ClauseTank and Debuffer

A – Tier

The A-tier heroes are just a notch below the S-tier; they are also fantastic for dealing a lot of damage (just not as much as the S-tier characters.) These heroes typically have one or two shortcomings, but they are pretty good choices.

LomanTank, Support, Healer
JaneTank, Burst DPS
NyxAoE DPS, Dispeller
PhillopTank, Burst DPS, Support, Healer
RephyCleanser, Healer
MiruruDebuffer, AoE DPS
LakrakStatus Attack, AoE DPS
MedianaHealer, Support
TheoDPS, Debuffer, Buffer
ViskaBurst DPS, Debuffer
RequinaDPS, Blocker
MariaStatus Attack, Buffer

B – Tier

The Tier B heroes are a decent choice, primarily if you use them correctly and in the right setup, which helps them perform as well as A-tier characters.

GauTank, Status Attacker, Support
ChrishaAoE DPS, Support
ArchDPS, Support, Breaker
PriscillaDPS, Support
ChaseDPS, Support
GladiDPS, Support
EzekielDebuffer, Breaker
PavelAoE DPS, Status Attack
OpheliaBurst DPS, Support
JunoCleanser, Support
LaiasSupport, Healer
FreySupport, Tank

C – Tier

To put it nicely, C-tier heroes are decent and are considered only average level. You will require a solid strategy to succeed with a tier C character, especially in the more difficult levels.

LorraineAoE DPS, Status Attack
EskerAoE DPS, Support
TanyaDPS, Status Attack, Dispeller
SoniaTank, Debuffer, Support
NailaDPS, Debuffer
ScarletDPS, Cleanser, Dispeller
LavrilSupport, Healer
KaulahSupport, Debuffer, Status Attack
ShamillaDPS, Support, Breaker
AselicaSupport, Tank
LiliaDPS, Support

D – Tier

D-tier characters are a dangerous choice, in our opinion, since they have many flaws and don’t do much damage. Following are the D-tier heroes (if you can call them heroes as all):

MorrahTank, Support
KaselDPS, Debuffer
CassandraSupport, Status Attack
MaySupport, Healer

F – Tier

You might have guessed already that the Tier F characters are the worst choice in the game. They simply can’t perform well and should be avoided. Here are the F-Tier heroes to look out for:

RicardoTank, Status Attack
LeoSupport, Dispeller
BaudouinSupport, Status Attack

Artemia is the best hero in PvE mode.

12 Best King’s Raid PVE Heroes


Artemia is equipped with the mighty Pillar of Light which is a formidable weapon against single opponents. It can deal a lot of damage while decreasing attack damage.

Artemia is an exceptional hero for PvE; in fact, she is at the top of our King’s Raid Tier list.


Cleo’s abilities shine against a large number of enemies. Equipped with her excellent Fire Rain spell, she turns a group of opponents into ashes.

She has earned a worthy place at the top of our S-tier list for PvE.


Erze’s skills are double-edged, as she can easily wipe out multiple enemies while simultaneously healing herself using her potent Sweet and Soaking Blood.

Although she is a great pick, her skills are not as impactful as the S-tier heroes. Nonetheless, she is on our list of favorites.


With the power of his fantastic Collision strike, Phillop can knock down enemies. That’s not all! His Head Butt attacks can also knock over opponents and debuff their attack speed, making him a good choice when facing a hoard of enemies.


Frey has some fantastic abilities that earned her a spot in this list of the top PvE heroes. She can use the Blessing Of Light power to shield your entire team With Blessing of Light, which also gives them immunity to CC.

Her primary weapon is Heaven’s Vengeance, which blinds targets, causes some serious harm to the opponents, and multiples the damage.


Epis can teleport, making him a decent assassin with the ability to strike enemy crowds from behind, which adds a surprise element. She also has the Absorbing Blow ability that aids healers by curing herself through the portion of the enemy’s damage.

Epis is a B-tier list hero, which means that using her in the right situation is the key to your team’s success.


Gau has three abilities, out of which his Vortex ability makes him an out-of-the-ordinary hero in the game for crowd control (CC). Vortex is hands down one of the most extraordinary abilities for CC, which also fully refills Black Dragon’s CC.


Priscilla is a true all-rounder hero in PvE. Her unique set of abilities allow her to be an effective part of any squad for different types of challenges.

Being a C-tier hero, she is unable to stand out on her own, yet she is an excellent addition to any team.


Lavril is yet another lower-tier list hero that will benefit you by being a part of the magic team. She helps your main DPS by increasing their damage potential.


Oddy helps in reducing cooldown time, which supplements the powers of your prominent team members.

Oddy is a bottom-tier hero and has only a single beneficial attribute.


Lucias has good potential in CC team handling, such as the Demia teams. He can also defeat cancer heroes, so he isn’t a completely useless addition to a squad if used correctly.


Leo is all about speed. He is beneficial for teams that aim to deal with severe damage quickly. 

King’s Raid Tier List (PvP)

Now that you know about the King Raid Tier PvE list and its best 12 heroes, let’s check out the King’s Raid Characters PvP list: 

S – Tier

You will find the King’s Raid best heroes in Tier S; we highly recommend you to include the following heroes in your team:

LomanTank, Support, Healer
RequinaDPS, Blocker
RephyCleanser, Healer
ScarletDPS, Cleanser, Dispeller
PavelAoE DPS, Status Attack
MiruruDebuffer, AoE DPS
OpheliaBurst DPS, Support

A – Tier

Although, Tier A is not as excellent as compared to the Tier S heroes. However, they are still a highly recommended addition to your team. The Tier A heroes are as follows:

NyxAoE DPS, Dispeller
RicardoTank, Status Attack
ChaseDPS, Support
JunoCleanser, Support
MariaStatus Attack, Buffer
CassandraSupport, Status Attack

B – Tier

Commonly categorized as the good hero, Tier B heroes are a reliable addition to your King’s Raid team. Here is the list of B Tier heroes:

TanyaDPS, Status Attack, Dispeller
LakrakStatus Attack, AoE DPS
GauTank, Status Attacker, Support
PriscillaDPS, Support
ArchDPS, Support, Breaker
ZafirAoE DPS
ShamillaDPS, Support, Breaker
LiliaDPS, Support

C – Tier

Tier C heroes are average-level heroes that add reasonable value to your team. They are as follows:

PhillopTank, Burst DPS, Support, Healer
AselicaSupport, Tank
KaulahSupport, Debuffer, Status Attack
EzekielDebuffer, Breaker
KaselDPS, Debuffer
NailaDPS, Debuffer

D – Tier

Although Tier D heroes are an unpopular option, they are still a worthy option for your team. The King’s Raid Tier D Heroes include:

JaneTank, Burst DPS
ViskaBurst DPS, Debuffer
GladiDPS, Support
LorraineAoE DPS, Status Attack
ChrishaAoE DPS, Support
FreySupport, Tank
ArtemiaAoE DPS

F – Tier

Tier F heroes are the least favorable option for your team. We would recommend you avoid selecting the following heroes for your King’s Raid team:

ClauseTank, Debuffer
MorrahTank, Support
EskerAoE DPS, Support
TheoDPS, Debuffer, Buffer
LavrilSupport, Healer
MaySupport, Healer

Loman is the best hero in PvP mode.

14 Best King’s Raid PVP Heroes


Loman, also known as the Gatekeeper of Trust, is the most important hero in our King’s Raid Tier PvP list. He is an excellent addition to a team for several reasons! The top reason is his ability to disable the enemies while also amplifying their damage. Loman has the capability of annihilating a massive number of enemies at once. 


Scarlet deserves to be in the top three King’s Raid Tier list (PvP) because she is a pro in the arena. She has the power to eliminate all negative effects from her allies and all positive effects on the enemies while doing damages.


Requina is famous for her impressive DoT (Damage over time) and DPS ( Damage per second) performance. She is also a fantastic buffer, and her low-cost services enable you to achieve an early lead in the game. She is an overall excellent addition to the team and deserves a spot on our top 14 King’s Raid Tier PvP list.


If you want the best King’s Raid hero with exceptional tanking abilities, then choose Demia! You will surely be impressed with her outstanding tanking skills. She is an excellent tanker for both Magic and Physical defenses.


Rephy, also known as the Spiritual Guide, is an essential addition to the team because of his healing powers (that cannot be dispelled). Rephy support skills and Salvation (his other supportability) can heal, cleanse, and magically protect the entire group. 

Although Rephy is an A-tier list hero, the S-tier list adds significant value to the team, similar to other A-tier list heroes.


Fluss is famous for his Flash Step that can silence enemies’ high magic attacks and significantly reduce the damage.


If you are fighting against enemies that are larger in quantity than yours, then NYX can be a reliable addition to your team. He targets enemies with Dimension Blade, and for every enemy he strikes successfully, he wins a stack of Dimension Blade. 

Similar to Rephy, NYX is also an A-tier list hero; however, he performs impressively if given the right support. 


Tanya is a half-human half-elf hero who is the former colleague of Roi. She is a highly-skilled assassin (assassin of the Laughing Masks) who specializes in stealth mode.


Sonia, also known as the Blue Hurricane, can cast devastating lightning magic on enemies. Being a homunculus, she also possesses remarkable physical abilities.


Jane proves as a great addition when you want to increase the magic damage on enemies. She is an all-rounder with self-recovery capability and one additional life. Although she is not an S-tier list hero, she still is a worthy hero for any team, especially in the long term.


Lakeak is widely known for causing significant damage to enemies with his hand Cannon that causes massive explosive harm. His attacks are lethal because he is highly skilled and uses special bullets to attack his enemies.


Rodina is a true team protector who never shoots for unjust reasons; however, she comes across as a highly-skilled assassin to protect the team. Her single-target damage is highly lethal that makes her a reliable choice for raids. 


Yanne, also known as Dragon Slayer, is a highly skilled dragon killed that once slew a mad dragon. She also possesses remarkable physical strength; she is much stronger than an average Barbarian warrior.


Morrah, also known as Devil’s Flame, offers exceptional magical protection. She is also known for providing high DPS for a tank.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the greatest hero in King’s Raid?

It’s nearly impossible to have a conclusive answer to this question because everyone’s tastes and playing styles differ. However, several of the most popular and highest-rated characters may be spotted in the S tier.

What are the most significant factors to consider when selecting a character?

Some things to think about are the character’s talents, numbers, and what function they will play on your team.

 How often do we update the King’s Raid hero tier rankings?

The King’s Raid tier list gets updated when new characters are introduced and/or the game undergoes significant modifications.

How accurate is the King’s Raid tier list?

The tier list is determined by player feedback and broad agreement. However, it is entirely subjective and might only apply to some.

Why is the S tier the best?

The S tier is the highest since it contains the best characters from King’s Raid. They are generally well-rounded, have extraordinary abilities, and are best suited for use in a wide range of situations.

Which tier should be avoided?

It’d be best if you avoided the lowest E-tier characters because they are the weakest in King’s Raid. They may be effective in some cases, but they often need to catch up to the competition.

Who initially developed the King’s Raid tier list?

A group of skilled players created the King’s Raid tier list. In order to build the list, they considered each character’s skills, stats, and roles.

Do higher-ranked characters increase the chances of winning more often?

There is no certainty that using higher-ranked characters would increase your chances of winning. They will, however, increase your chances of success.


If you are planning to make a winning King’s Raid team, then stay ready to invest a lot of time to reach the highest level of play. Keep our King’s Raid Reddit list into consideration when you are building your team and climbing ranks. 

King’s Raid is a thrilling game, so don’t wait! Start playing today!

If you find our King’s Raid Tier list helpful, don’t forget to check our Epic Seven Tier list. 

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