Is Gang Beasts Cross-Platform in 2022? [PC, PS4, Xbox One]

Is Gang Beasts Cross-Platform

Even though Gang Beasts has been out for quite a few years, if you are an OG player or someone who wishes to try the game and is wondering if it is cross-play, then we have answers to all your questions. Initially, the game was released in 2014 for PC, becoming one of the most enjoyable co-op games. 

Now it is available on various platforms, including Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, macOS, Nintendo Switch, and Linux.

Co-op games become even better when cross-play is involved because it comes with the support of friends and bridges the gap between different platforms. Gang Beasts is when you get a wobbly character, and you can make the most out of it with your friends as support and knock everyone out. 

But the fun and games will only become possible if the Gang Beasts has cross-play. So the question of the hour is, Is gang beasts cross-platform? 

Is Gang Beasts Cross Platform?

Gang Beasts

The answer to this question is a big maybe. Gang Beasts allows cross-platform between PC and Xbox console owners; this means that if you are a PC gamer with friends who have an Xbox console, you can conveniently queue up and play the game. The best part is the game is available on the Xbox Game Pass. 

However, the game is only available for some gaming platforms, so if you plan to play it with your Nintendo friends or Playstation users, it is not possible currently. Do not get disheartened, though, because there is still hope; the game’s developers have promised that they are working to activate the smooth connection between the different platforms. 

PC and Xbox One

Gang Beasts revealed that they would support cross-play between Xbox and the Microsoft Store from July 1, 2021; this was the first time cross-play had gone well. It’s important to note that the Steam version of the game did not get this feature; only the Microsoft store version did. As a result, the Microsoft Store is your sole choice for cross-play with your Xbox buddies if you play on a PC.

Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S

Even though the game wasn’t previously cross-compatible with Xbox One and the Series X/S, things improved after the announcement in June 2021. Players can now play Gang Beasts on Xbox platforms from both generations.

Cross-play should be offered for these two consoles as the same version of the game is operating on both of them on the same platform. But currently, even activating this feature takes a long time.

PS4/PS5 and Xbox 

Sadly, there is currently no cross-play between Xbox and PS4/PS5. We can’t help but mention Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation are some of the best systems because they enable controller support and allow for comfortable couch play.

PS4/PS5 and PC

The PS4/PS5 users cannot cross-play with PC users and are not compatible at all. 

In addition to the different systems, cross-platform compatibility between PC and consoles is challenging for developers and publishers to solve.

How to Play Cross Platform on Gang Beasts?

How to Play Cross Platform on Gang Beasts?

The way to cross-play on different platforms varies according to the games that you are playing. The game Gang Beasts allows smooth connection so you can play with your friends via the platform you use. You will need to connect with your Xbox Live Account by going to the settings and connecting to the server. This will allow you to play with friends and family anywhere in the world. 

Gang Beasts Cross Progression

Gang Beasts Cross Progression

The gang beasts allow cross-play, but it is not cross-progression. The cross-progression feature enables different players to transfer their progress from the current platform to the next one. For instance, you cannot shift your gaming performance from Gang Beasts PS5/PS4 to Xbox. 


  1. Is Gang Beast cross-play 2022?

The game allows Boneloaf to cross-play on a small selection of gaming platforms. But yes, the game does allow cross-play since 2021. 

  1. Is Gang Beast going to be cross-play?

Gang Beat is cross-play for a selected platform, such as PC and Xbox, but it does not cross-play between other platforms, such as PS4, PS5, and Nintendo Switch. 

  1. How do you play Gang Beast crossplay?

The game does not allow cross-play on all platforms, but it does support cross-generation play, which is good news for PS4 and PS5 users. 

Bottom Line

Even though the game shot up in popularity due to Twitch fans, it is indeed a fun game you can play with your friends and family. You can easily play the game on PC and even on different platforms. But with all we have provided above, you now know that it only allows cross-platform with some consoles. So if you do have a PC and Xbox, you are in luck!

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