36 Dungeons & Dragons 5e Deities From The Forgotten Realms

The D&D universe’s gods and goddesses are powerful but flawed entities with great power. There are many God of Dragons, and the majority of them are specific to each setting, which means that a distinct pantheon of gods will have to be honored in Faerun than in Krynn. There are certain caveats with multiversal travel allowed, and non-human deities’ gods can be uniform across different settings, as they are in the Shar Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk.

Religion is vital to the D&D universe’s inhabitants. In a world full of perils, having the power to petition a deity provides hope and, occasionally, the blessings of a specific boon or other to reward their devotion. Those who devote themselves towards the worship of one or more gods, such as clerics and paladins, have the potential to bestow enormous power on their followers. In exceedingly unusual cases, some people may face off with the gods themselves. While the D&D Gods are immortals, they aren’t invincible and can be slain or vanquished in rare circumstances, such as when gods trod the Toril as mortal avatars during the Time of Troubles in Faerun.

Some mortals aspire to godhood, and some, like Vecna and Kelemvor, have achieved this incredible feat. Such people are listed below, but this opens up a lot of room for DMs to make their own divinities or even give players a chance to become gods themselves.

There could be gods within the universe that the majority have never heard of.

The Forgotten Realms Gods

The Forgotten Realms Gods

Toril was founded by the twin deities Shar and Selune. Each goddess balanced the other and collaborated to construct the worlds of the Forgotten Realms. Selune provided the illumination, while Shar gave the shadowy areas. They also created Chauntea, who gave their planet life but asked for warmth so that her living things could survive. A tremendous schism developed between the two goddesses at this juncture, resulting in a fight. The list of DnD 5e Gods of the Forgotten Realms has grown since its inception, with every one of the d&d deities of the Forgotten Realms mentioned below:

AurilSnowflake with  pointsWinterNeutral EvilFemale
AzuthLeft hand, outlined in fire, pointing upwardsWizardsLawful NeutralMale
Baneright hand fist in blackTyrannyLawful EvilMale
BeshabaPair of antlers in blackMisfortuneChaotic EvilFemale
BhaalSkull, red glowing eyes, surrounded by drops of bloodMurderNeutral EvilMale
ChaunteaGrain sheafAgricultureNeutral GoodFemale
Cyricwhite skull, jawless, on purpleLiesChaotic EvilMale
DeneirAn open eye with a lit candle aboveWritingNeutral GoodMale
EldathWaterfall descending into a poolPeaceNeutral GoodFemale
Gond4 spoked cogCraftTrue NeutralMale
HelmGauntlet with an eyeProtectionLawful NeutralMale
Ilmater2 hands tied by a red cordEnduranceLawful GoodMale
KelemvorSkeletal arm bearing scales that are balancedThe DeadLawful NeutralMale
LathanderThe road leading into the sunsetBirth and RenewalNeutral goodMale
LieraInverted triangle with whirling mistIllusionChaotic NeutralFemale
Lliirathree 6-pointed starsJoyChaotic GoodFemale
Loviatarscourge with 9 barbed tailsPainLawful EvilFemale
MalarA paw with clawsThe HuntChaotic EvilMale
MaskA mask in blackThievesChaotic NeutralMale
MielikkiHead of a unicorn’sForestsNeutral GoodFemale
MyrkulHuman skull in whiteDeathNeutral EvilMale
MystraFlowing red mist surrounded by 7 starsMagicNeutral GoodFemale
OghmaEmpty scrollKnowledgeTrue NeutralMale
SavrasCrystal ball with multiple eyesDivination and FateLawful NeutralMale
Selune7 stars surrounding a pair of eyesMoonChaotic GoodFemale
SharDisc in black with a purple borderDarkness and LossNeutral EvilFemale
SilvanusOak leafWild NatureTrue NeutralMale
SuneFace of a beautiful redhead womanLove and BeautyChaotic GoodFemale
TalonaTriangle with 3 tear dropsDisease and PoisonChaotic EvilFemale
TalosA trio lightning boltsStormsChaotic EvilMale
TempusFlaming sword pointing upwardsWarTrue NeutralMale
TormRight gauntlet in whiteCourage and Self-SacrificeLawful GoodMale
TymoraSilver coin with a face surrounded by a shamrock Good Fortune and AdventureChaotic GoodFemale
TyrA warhammer with balanced scalesJustice and HeroismLawful GoodMale
UmberleeOcean waveSeaChaotic EvilFemale
WaukeenWaukeen’s profile on a coinTradeTrue NeutralFemale

Gods of Dragonlance

Gods of Dragonlance

Three fundamental deities are called the High Gods in Dragonlance, each representing a different alignment: Paladine for favorable, Gilean for neutrality, and Takhisi for evil. Each one of the deities has built alliances with other gods that share their beliefs. Each group has a deity of magic who grants magical powers suited to their alignment; Solinari grants good magic, Lunitari grants neutral magic, and Nuitari grants evil magic. Chaos, a god that wishes to destroy all of Krynn, opposes all of these gods.

The following are all the gods from the Dragonlance setting:

PaladineSilver triangleRulers and GuardiansLawful GoodMale
BranchalaHarpMusicNeutral GoodMale
HabbakukBlue birdAnimal Life and the SeaNeutral GoodMale
Kiri-JolithPair of bison hornsHonour and WarLawful GoodMale
MajereCopper spiderMeditation and OrderLawful GoodMale
MishakalBlue infinity symbolHealingLawful GoodFemale
SolinariWhite circleGood MagicLawful GoodFemale
GileanOpen BookKnowledgeTrue NeutralMale
ChislevFeatherNatureTrue NeutralFemale
ReorxForging hammerCraftTrue NeutralMale
ShinareGriffon’s wingWealth and TradeTrue NeutralFemale
SirrionMulti-coloured fireFire and ChangeTrue NeutralMale
ZivilynGreen or gold treeWisdomTrue NeutralMale
LunitariRed circleNeutral MagicTrue NeutralFemale
TakhisisBlack crescentNight and HatredLawful EvilFemale
ChemoshYellow skullUndeadLawful EvilMale
HiddukelBroken merchant’s scalesLies and GreedChaotic EvilMale
Morgion2 red eyes under a hoodDisease and SecrecyNeutral EvilMale
SargonnasFlying red condorVengeance and FireLawful EvilMale
ZeboimTurtle shellSea and StormsChaotic EvilFemale
NuitariBlack circleEvil MagicLawful EvilMale

Gods of Greyhawk

Gods of Greyhawk

The inhabitants of Oerth (the principal planet in Greyhawk’s setting) worship over a hundred deities. Most of these vary among races, but the majority can be divided into many sub-pantheons according to the kinds of people who worship them:

  • Olman
  • Oeridian
  • Flan
  • Baklunish
  • Suel
  • Touv
  • Non-Human Deities
  • Monstrous Deities

The main, human deities of Greyhawk are listed below:

BeoryGreen discNatureTrue NeutralFemale
BoccobA pentagram with an eyeMagicTrue NeutralMale
Celestian7 star arc in a circleStars and WanderersTrue NeutralMale
EhlonnaHorn of a unicornWoodlandsNeutral GoodFemale
ErythnulBlood dropEnvy and SlaughterChaotic EvilMale
FharlanghnCircle with a curved horizontal line and arcHorizons and ExplorationNeutral GoodMale
HeironeousBlot of lightningChivalry and WarLawful GoodMale
Hextor6 down facing arrowsWar and DiscordLawful GoodMale
Kord4 spears and macesAthletics and SportChaotic GoodMale
IncabulosA diamond-encrusted reptilian eyePlague and FamineNeutral EvilMale
IstusSpindle with 3 strandsFate and DestinyTrue NeutralFemale
LuzHuman skull with a grinPain and OppressionChaotic EvilMale
NerullSkull with scythe or sickleDeathNeutral EvilMale
Obad-HaiAcorn or oak leafNatureTrue NeutralMale
OlidammaraMask with laughter expressionRevalryChaotic NeutralMale
PelorThe SunSun and HealingNeutral GoodMale
PholtusA full moon or silver sun is obscured by a smaller crescent moon.Light and LawLawful GoodMale
RalishazThree fate casting bonesPoor Luck and InsanityChaotic NeutralMale
RaoWhite heartPeace and ReasonLawful GoodMale
Saint CuthbertStarburst lines encircling a circleCommon Sense and ZealLawful NeutralMale
TharizdunInverted ziggurat or dark spiralEternal DarknessChaotic EvilMale
TrithereonTriskelionLiberty and RetributionLawful GoodMale
UlaaA circle surrounded by a mountainHills and MountainsLawful GoodFemale
VecnaA palm with an eye in itEvil SecretsNeutral EvilMale
Wee jasRed skull with a fireball in the backMagic and DeathLawful NeutralFemale

Eberron Gods

Eberron Gods

The world of Eberron holds a distinct perspective on gods: you don’t know if they exist or if the effects caused by Clerics are a different kind of magic. Eberron has a creation narrative about three dragons–Siberys, Eberron, and Khyber–creating the planes until Khyber revolted against the others. Siberys were killed, and their remains formed the ring of ‘dragon shards’ that circled the planet. Eberron confronted Khyber but couldn’t defeat her. Instead, he created a living cage to contain her, constructing the world around the treacherous dragon, giving us the planet and its name in the process.

This creation narrative does not leave the people of Eberron with any deities to worship; therefore, who do they worship? It changes, but the makeup of the world allows some people to worship gods who do not appear in the world. Others adhere to philosophies or are atheists who do not believe in any sort of gods because there is no solid proof of their existence other than manifestations of the faithful’s willpower. 

Here are a few instances of what you might believe in or follow in Eberron:

The Sovereign Host Gods

  • Arawai – Goddess of fertility, Neutral Good
  • Aureon – God of law and knowledge, Neutral lawful
  • Dol Dorn – God of strength at arms, Chaotic Good
  • Onatar – God of craft, Neutral Good
  • Balinor – God of beasts and the hunt, Neutral
  • Boldrei – Goddess of community and home, Lawful Good
  • Kol Korran – God of trade and wealth, Neutral
  • Ollandra – Goddess of good fortune, Neutral Good
  • Dol Arrah – Goddess of sunlight and honor, Lawful Good

The Dark Six God

  • The Devourer – God of nature’s wrath, Neutral Evil
  • The Traveler – Deity of chaos and change Chaotic Neutral
  • The Keeper – God of greed and death, Neutral Evil
  • The Fury – Goddess of wrath and madness, Neutral Evil
  • The Shadow – God of dark magic, Chaotic Evil
  • The Mockery – God of violence and betrayal, Neutral Evil

Other Faith Gods

  • Cults of the Dragon Below – Deities of madness, Neutral Evil 
  • The Undying Court – Elven ancestors, Neutral Good
  • The Silver Flame – Deity of protection and good, Lawful Good
  • The Blood of Vol – Philosophy of immortality and undeath, Lawful Neutral
  • The Spirits of the Past – Elven ancestors, Chaotic Good
  • The Path of Light – Philosophy of light and self-improvement, Lawful Neutral

Gods of Dark Sun

Gods of Dark Sun

Dark Sun is distinctive among D&D settings in that no Gods of D&D have been established to act within it. Some think that the deities were merely unable to enter the material dimension, similar to other beings from Dark Sun’s outer planes. Others say the primordials overcame the gods, preventing or compelling them to escape Athas. In any case, there are no active gods in the Dark Sun setting, which means there are zero clerics, paladins, or other DnD faiths apart from those that get no power through their gods.

Gods of Ravenloft

There are no gods in Ravenloft, strictly speaking, but there are god-like beings who govern over Ravenloft plus its Domains of Dread, identified only as the Dark powers. They are dark and terrible beings who are enigmatic and inscrutable. They created the Domains of Dread, turning them into real nightmares for the residents, and they dragged individuals from the mortal realms to Ravenloft, trapping them behind the hazy confines of any domain they chose.

Pantheons 5e

The pantheons of Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, and Norse mythology are imaginative interpretations of historical faiths from our world’s past. They include deities that have been separated from their historical context in the real world and unified into pantheons that fulfill the purposes of the game.

The SRD for Wizard of the Coast has Fantasy Pantheons.

Celtic Gods & Deities 5e

Celtic Gods & Deities 5e

Something wild is supposed to hide in the core of every soul, a place that responds to hear the sound of geese at night, the whispering wind among the pines, the unexpected scarlet of mistletoe on an oak–and it is in this void that the Celtic gods live. They arose from the stream and brook, their power amplified by the oak’s strength and the splendor of the woodlands as well as the moor. These gods came into being when the first forester dared to name the visage seen in the bole of a tree or the voice babbling in a creek.

Druids and clerics both serve the Celtic gods, as they are closely associated with the natural elements that druids revere.

DeitySymbolSuggested DomainsAlignment
The Daghdha, god of weather and cropsShield or cauldron with something bubbling insideNature, TrickeryCG
Arawn, god of life and deathGray background with a black starLife, DeathNE
Belenus, god of sun, light, and warmthStanding stones and solar diskLightNG
Brigantia, goddess of rivers and livestockFootbridgeLifeNG
Diancecht, god of Medicine and Healingmistletoe berries and leafLifeLG
Dunatis, god of mountains and peaksMountain peak with a red sun on topNatureN
Goibhniu, god of smiths and HealingSword under a large malletKnowledge, LifeNG
Lugh, god of arts, Travel, and CommerceLong handsKnowledge, LifeCN
Manannan mac Lir, god of oceans and sea CreaturesWhite waves on a green backgroundNature, TempestLN
Math Mathonwy, god of magicStaffKnowledgeNE
Morrigan, goddess of battleTwo spears, crossedWarCE
Nuada, god of war and warriorsBlack background with a silver handWarN
Oghma, god of Speech and writingScroll that is unfurled KnowledgeNG
Silvanus god of Nature and ForestsOak tree in SummerNatureN

Greek Gods & Deities 5e

Greek Gods & Deities 5e

The gods of Olympus manifest themselves through the gentle lap of waves upon the coasts and the crack of thunder among the cloud-engulfed heights. The deep boar-infested woods with the barren, olive-covered hillsides bear witness to their demise. Every facet of nature echoes from their presence, and they’ve created a home inside the human heart as well.

DeitySymbolSuggested DomainsAlignment
Zeus, god of The Sky, ruler of the godsLightning bolts held in a fist
Aphrodite, goddess of love and beautySea shellLightCG
Apollo, god of light, music, and HealingLyrKnowledge, Life, LightCG
Ares, god of war and strifeSpearWarCE
Artemis, goddess of hunting and childbirthLunar disk with bow and arrowLife, NatureNG
Athena, goddess of Wisdom and civilizationOwlKnowledge, WarLG
Demeter, goddess of agricultureHead of a MareLifeNG
Dionysus, god of mirth and wineThyrsus (staff with pine cone tip)LifeCN
Hades, god of The UnderworldBlack ramDeathLE
Hecate, goddess of magic and the moonSetting moonKnowledge, TrickeryCE
Hephaestus, god of smithing and craftAnvil and hammerKnowledgeNG
Hera, goddess of marriage and IntrigueFan made of peacock feathersTrickeryCN
Hercules, god of Strength and adventureHead of a lionTempest, WarCG
Hermes, god of Travel and CommerceCaduceus  (staff with wings and serpents)TrickeryCG
Hestia, goddess of home and FamilyHearthLifeNG
Nike, goddess of victoryWoman with wingsWarLN
Pan, god of NatureSyrinx (pan pipes)NatureCN
Poseidon, god of The Sea and EarthquakesTridentTempestCN
Tyche, goddess of good fortunePentagram in redTrickeryN

Egyptian Gods & Deities 5e

Egyptian Gods & Deities 5e

These gods are the heirs of an ancient divine family, heirs to the cosmos’ rulership and the preservation of the sacred principle of Ma’at–the fundamental order of justice, truth, law, and order that places deities, mortal pharaohs, and regular men and women into their logical and rightful place in the universe.

The Egyptian DnD pantheon is unique in that it had three gods of death, each with a different alignment. Anubis is a lawful neutral afterlife god who assesses the souls of the dead. Set is a chaotic evil deity of murder, most famous for assassinating his brother Osiris. At the same time, Nephthys is a chaotic mourning goddess.

DeitySymbolSuggested DomainsAlignment
Re-­Horakhty, god of the sun, ruler of the godsSolar disk surrounded by a serpentLife, LightLG
Anubis, god of judgment and deathBlack JackalDeathLN
Apep, god of evil, fire, and serpentsSnake with flamesTrickeryNE
Bast, goddess of cats and vengeanceCatWarCG
Bes, god of luck and musicDeformed deityTrickeryCN
Hathor, goddess of love, music, and motherhoodHorned head of a cow with lunar diskLife, LightNG
Imhotep, god of crafts and MedicineSteppped pyramidKnowledgeNG
Isis, goddess of fertility and magicStar and AnkhKnowledge, LifeNG
Nephthys, goddess of death and griefLunar disk surrounded by hornsDeathCG
Osiris, god of Nature and The UnderworldFlail and crookLife, NatureLG
Ptah, god of crafts, knowledge, and SecretsBullKnowledgeLN
Set, god of Darkness and Desert stormsCoiled cobraDeath, Tempest, TrickeryCE
Sobek, god of water and crocodilesHorned Crocodile with plumesNature, TempestLE
Thoth, god of knowledge and WisdomIbisKnowledgeN

Norse Gods & Deities 5e

Norse Gods & Deities 5e

The realm of the Vikings, the home of the Norse pantheon, is where the land plummets from the snowy slopes into the freezing fjords below, where longboats draw up on the beach, and where glaciers flow forward and retreat with every fall and spring.

It’s a harsh environment that necessitates difficult existence. The region’s warriors must have adjusted to severe settings to exist, yet their surroundings have not twisted them. Considering the necessity of plundering for food and money, it’s remarkable that the mortals fared so well.

Their abilities reflect the soldiers’ need for solid leadership along with decisive action. As a result, people may see their deities in every river bend, hear them in the bang of thunder and the roaring of glaciers, and smell them in the black smoke emanating from a burning longhouse.

The Aesir (gods of war and fate) with the Vanir (fertility and wealth gods) are the two principal families in the Norse pantheon. These two families, once enemies, are now closely linked against their familiar foes, giants in particular (which include the deities Surtur and Thrym).

DeitySymbolSuggested DomainsAlignment
Odin, god of knowledge and warBlue eye that watchesKnowledge, WarNG
Aegir, god of The Sea and stormsRough oceanic wavesTempestNE
Balder, god of beauty and poetrySilver chalice encrusted with gemsLife, LightNG
Forseti, god of justice and lawBearded man’s HeadLightN
Frey, god of fertility and the sunGreatsword in ice blue colorLife, LightNG
Freya, goddess of fertility and loveFalconLifeNG
Frigga, goddess of birth and fertilityCatLife, LightN
Heimdall, god of watchfulness and loyaltyCurling music hornLight, WarLG
Hel, goddess of The UnderworldPartially rotting woman’s faceDeathNE
Hermod, god of luckScroll with wingsTrickeryCN
Loki, god of thieves and trickeryFlameTrickeryCE
Njord, god of sea and windGold coinNature, TempestNG
Odur, god of light and the sunSolar diskLightCG
Sif, goddess of warSword raised upWarCG
Skadi, god of earth and mountainsPeak of a mountain peakNatureN
Surtur, god of fire Giants and warSword with flamesWarLE
Thor, god of storms and thunderHammerTempest, WarCG
Thrym, god of frost Giants and coldDouble-­bladed ax in whiteWarCE
Tyr, god of courage and strategySwordKnowledge, WarLN
Uller, god of hunting and winterLongbowNatureCN

Patron Gods & Deities 5e

Patron Gods & Deities 5e

Patrons are gods who bestow magical abilities on individuals. They are also referred to as Non-Human Deities. Their spellcasting abilities, along with magical powers, are inherited from their customers. Clerics and Paladins adore them, while Warlocks form alliances with them. 

Below are some alternatives to consider for your Paladin’s Patron god or Cleric, as well as some ideas for a future Warlock Patron.

DeitySymbolSuggested DomainsAlignmentProtechreviewers Notes
Bahamut, Dragon God of GoodDragon’s head in profileLife, Protection, WarLGBahamut is an excellent pick for Dragonborn and characters of “good” alignment.
Blibdoolpoolp, Kuo-toa GoddessLobster head or black pearlDeathNEBecause of their inclination for madness and the water, they make excellent Old One patrons or Undead.
Corellon Larethian, Elf Deity of Art and MagicQuarter moon or starburstArcana,LightCGThis is an excellent choice for elven Clerics or Paladins. He was a superb swordsman, so he’s a fantastic pick if you wish to use a sword as the main weapon.
Deep Sashelas, Elf God of the SeaDolphinNature, TempestCGHe’s the D&D god’s counterpart of Aquaman. If you’re planning a water-based activity, this is a great option.
Eadro, Merfolk Deity of the SeaSpiral designNature, TempestNEadro created the Locathah and Merfolk, therefore including them in a campaign is necessary when they are involved.
Garl Glittergold, Gnome God of Trickery and WilesGold nuggetTrickeryLGGarl Glittergold is a trickster-type god and the generic god of gnomes.
Grolantor, Hill Giant God of WarWooden clubWarCEGrolantor’s main characteristic is that he despises races smaller than him and advocates violence against them. That is why hill giants revere him.
Gruumsh, Orc God of Storms and WarUnblinking eyeTempest, WarCEGruumsh is the Orc god. This deity with a single eye is thought to keep an eye on all Orcs until they take over the globe.
Hruggek, Bugbear God of ViolenceMorningstarWarCEHruggek is the ambush god. This is consistent with Bugbear tactics.
Kurtulmak, Kobold God of War and MiningGnome skullWarLEKurtulmak, the craftiest Kobold, is their chief god and works for the betterment of all Kobolds.
Laogzed, Troglodyte God of HungerImage of the lizard/toad godDeathCEIt is additionally recognized as the soul eater and has an insatiable appetite. Laogzed is another excellent Elder God patron.
Lolth, Drow Goddess of SpidersSpiderTrickeryCEThe Drow worship spiders, and Lolth is their principal deity.
Maglubiyet, Goblinoid God of War Bloody axeOrder,WarLEMaglubiyet worshippers frequently massacred their enemies as well as innocents for the sake of Maglubiyet.
Moradin, Dwarf God of Creation Hammer and anvilForge,KnowledgeLG(Lawful Evil)He was one of the Dwarves’ primary gods and was also known as the Soul Forger.
Rillifane Rallathil, Wood Elf God of NatureOakNatureCGRillifane is among the forest gods and the defender of nature.
Sehanine Moonbow, Elf Goddess of the Moon Crescent moonKnowledgeCGSehanine also had strong ties to the fey, making her an ideal Fey patron to Warlocks.
Sekolah, god of the huntSharkNature, TempestLESekolah is the Sahugin’s shark deity, also called “He Who Eats.”
Semuanya, Lizardfolk Deity of Survival EggLifeNSemuanya is considered the god of survival, and his devotees can often be found alone in the wilderness.
Skerrit, Centaur and Satyr God of NatureOak growing from acornNatureNSkerrit, likewise referred to as the Forest Walker, roams the country, preserving the woodlands that fall within his realm.
Skoraeus Stonebones, God of Stone Giants and ArtStalactiteKnowledgeNSkoraeus is the stone giants’ defender. He was a recluse who only set out to guide the Stone Giants’ journey.
Surtur, God of Fire Giants and CraftFlaming swordKnowledge, WarLESurtur is the god of the Fire Giants, and his temples are gigantic forges where the giants honed their skills.
Thrym, God of Frost Giants and StrengthWhite double-bladed axWarCE(Chaotic Evil)Thrym is the fourth deity of the giant pantheon, and he is the leader of the Frost Giants.
Tiamat, Dragon Goddess of EvilDragon head with five claw marksTrickeryLETiamat is Bahamut’s sister and the malevolent queen of dragons.
Yondalla, Halfling Goddess of Fertility and ProtectionShieldLife, ProtectionYondalla created the deity of the Halflings.

5e Deities FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

5e Deities FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

In D&D, how does one go about killing a god?

The quick answer is no unless it is the plot of the story. Earlier editions of D&D gave the gods and goddesses distinct stat blocks and powers, but they’re currently within an amorphous weight class basically labeled “stronger than you” at the moment. Gods aren’t unkillable in 5e, but throughout the majority of the lore, gods are often destroyed by other deities or demon lords. There is no “magic bullet” established in the lore, and gods are killed through regular old fighting, albeit on a mythological scale. 

If your adventure appears to be leading up to a battle with a deity D&D, expect some complicated circumstances or a God-slaying mcguffin because otherwise, any deity would be able to sweep the ground with even level 20 adventurers.

In D&D, what number of gods are there?

This is a complex question, but let’s simplify it by assuming 5th edition D&D, excluding real-world pantheons such as the Greek and Norse pantheons, and using the Forgotten Realms setting. There’s some discussion about whether a few should be considered deities, but according to my count, D&D presently has 61 gods.

How to create a god in D&D?

This is reasonably simple in 5th edition D&D because there isn’t much to do mechanically. You’ll be adding a deity to the d&d pantheon in no time!  

To begin, don’t be concerned about creating stats for the god. Gods are in the ethereal category of “very powerful,” and no one should expect to fight a deity in the 5th edition unless their dungeon master is exceptionally lenient.

 The first thing you should do is research your lore. Because almost little of what happens here will be of any mechanical significance, focus on how they relate to your world. What is this deity concerned with? Do they genuinely care about their followers, or were they only pawns to be used? What are their followers’ reactions to or interpretations of their teachings? How are their houses of worship? What sort of objects and traditions do their adherents keep? Are they enormous golden declarations of the god’s majesty, or are they simply wayside markings and shrines? Is this god related to any particular creatures? Such as ravens and spiders. What does their sacred emblem resemble? Gods are frequently linked to the world-building of a setting, and although we could go on and on about world-building, simply attempt to find out this deity’s function in your world. 

Understanding all of the minor components that comprise D&D religions will assist you in creating a supreme being that fits neatly within the pantheon.

As soon as you have lore, you only need to lock down a few minor aspects for the players to deal with: Name, Domains, Alignment, and Symbol are all options. 

You need to have the name, but if you’re going to list it out for the players, you’ll want their full title.

Thematically, the Alignment is vital so your players can instantly understand your deity’s disposition. Although it is no longer as crucial as in previous editions, make sure to specify an alignment that represents your god.

The Domains are most likely the most essential mechanical component. Many of the skills and attributes of the clerics that serve your new deity will be determined by these realms. Many deities possess just a single domain, but two or three domains are permitted if your god is truly situated amongst numerous domains.

Finally, each dd god should possess a Symbol, which can be anything, but the simpler, the better. For example, a green flaming eye makes it simpler to work with as well as remember versus nine jade eyes encompassed by rainbow fires with a jumping two-headed liger. You can also make your god’s insignia a specific sort of weapon, adding character for clerics or paladins using their god’s preferred weapon.  

When you’ve finished all of that, you should be able to present your new god to the players for the subsequent campaign!

Closing Words

Whatever your faith is aside from Dungeons & Dragons 5E, it’s indisputable that the sheer lore provided by deities alone gives more richness than many DMs and players are going to understand what to do with. What’s the best part? Any of the gods, as mentioned above, can help any class. Your rogue PC may have a ritual every night devoted to Mask; your bard could say a brief prayer to Milil, and even a wizard could seek out an Oghma shrine to expedite their study. 

So, what are you holding out for? Prepare your offering or pray for a favor to align with you from any of the deities. 

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