If you dream of the career of an Azure Administrator and would like to be a part of a large team that deals with the implementation of the company’s cloud infrastructure, exam AZ-104, designed by Microsoft, is what you need. It equips its holders with skills related to the implementation, managing, and organization of the Azure solutions. Moreover, when tamed successfully, this certification exam has all the capabilities to boost up the career of the bearers. Therefore, Certbolt looks at what can be gained after one weaves success in the Microsoft AZ-104 exam.
You become eligible for a lucrative job role
Perhaps, it won’t be a surprise for you that the AZ-104 exam grants you the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate certification. The position of the Azure Administrator has a great market worth and is well-recognized in the industry. What’s more, building a career in this field brings global recognition, as this role has a key standing in the top firms like E-Solutions, Certbolt WorldTech IT, Wipro, Aptean, and Link Technologies. In other words, there won’t be any dearth of opportunities and excellence after passing the Microsoft Certbolt AZ-104 exam.
Earn ACE credits
Along with gaining the Microsoft certification after passing the AZ-104 evaluation, you will earn 2 ACE credits. These credits can be proved highly beneficial if the candidate earns a further degree. As we all know that honing up and upgrading skills is a must to thrive in the IT industry, so these credits will make achieving this goal a bit easier.
Have access to notable skills
Regardless of the career path chosen, it’s very crucial to have relevant skills. And by taking the AZ-104 exam, you gain such. Thus, the candidates will be able to handle the Azure identities and governance in the real world, provide storage management and implementation.
Other than these skills, Microsoft Certification makes the bearer equipped enough to deploy and manage the Azure compute resources as per the organizational needs along with the development of the virtual networking solutions. Moreover, the successful exam-passers are competent to monitor and back up Azure resources in a given ecosystem.
Earn more than your peers
With the AZ-104 exam, it’s possible to earn a dream figure. Due to an active search on the Internet, there is no doubt that Microsoft Azure administrators are making a handsome salary of $107,683 per annum, says ZipRecruiter.
The great thing is that this figure is not stagnant. It swells up as the specialists improve their market position and spend more time on self-development. Not only in the salary terms, but the Microsoft Exam also makes a candidate be a real professional, able to complete the given tasks effectively. In addition, the inherited skills boost their confidence to aim higher, as well as earn more than peers.
The Final Say
It’s not easier to have a stable and lucrative career in today’s competitive digital world. One has to have an X-factor. Gladly, the Microsoft AZ-104 exam delivers that X-factor instantly same as the Microsoft AZ-900 exam, and you can find Microsoft AZ-900 exam dumps questions easily. So, go for it and enjoy a noteworthy industry presence.
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