Helldivers 2: New Weapons Leak Through a Youtube Video 

Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 continues to have strong sales as it nears its first month of release. The game’s sudden rise in popularity forced Arrowhead Game Studios to stray from their original plan to release a roadmap for future upgrades. The studio rapidly delivered many patches in response to matchmaking and server concerns, which prompted a change of the plan to better coincide with their evolving development approach.

Recently, GameOverDeo released a video on YouTube that featured numerous Helldivers 2 leaks, giving fans a preview of possibly upcoming gear and vehicles. The video verifies the new pilotable mech that was shown off in a recent Helldivers 2 gameplay leak. Equipped with a powerful missile launcher and a heavy machine gun, this mech promises to effectively eliminate small opponents while in the player’s control. A new armored buggy with a mounted machine gun for fighting enemies and quick terrain mobility is also revealed by the leak. Notably, a lot of Helldivers 2 fans have taken notice of the buggy’s resemblance to the Warthog from Halo on the internet.

The newly uploaded video gathers several screenshots of Helldivers 2 weapon leaks that occurred on Reddit last week but were then removed. One of these weapons is the Arc-12 Blitzer, a wide-burst shotgun that can create an arc between several foes and nearby units by firing high-voltage electricity. The SG-8P Punisher Plasma shotgun, which fires powerful and explosive plasma rounds, is another much-anticipated addition. It’s important to note that the weapon description warns that squadmates could sustain serious injuries. The R-36 Erupter combat rifle and the CB-9 Explosive Crossbow are both shown off as formidable weapons that are presently undergoing testing and will probably be added to Helldivers 2 soon.

Furthermore, the video from GameOverDeo reveals what might be new in future Helldivers 2 upgrades. An innovative backpack item called the BX-7 Displacer Pack is ready to transfer gamers away from potentially lethal enemy blows. The B-1 Supply Pack expands on its usefulness by enabling players to reload their ammunition while in combat.

The exact release date for these changes is yet unknown. The future of Helldivers 2 looks bright, with a tonne of additional features and content promised despite the uncertainties. With the roadmap soon to be released, more details should become available, giving players a sneak peek at the fascinating things that are coming up.

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