Fallout 4 – Hilarious Bug Causes Dogs to Talk

Fallout 4 - Hilarious Bug Causes Dogs to Talk

Over time, Bethesda games have garnered a reputation for having a lot of bugs. Fallout 4 is probably one of the most glitch-filled titles from the studio to date. Not every bug, though, is harmful. Some might break the game, but if they’re found, they’re usually fixed quickly. These days, a lot of the flaws found in the game add a funny aspect to the gameplay. One Fallout 4 glitch, for example, included NPCs being discovered swimming in the streets. These kinds of bugs are usually not harmful and might even improve the player’s experience overall by bringing back fond memories from the game.

An unusual Fallout 4 scenario appears in an image uploaded online by Redditor ItsYaBoi1232. A Junkyard Dog in the player’s settlement is depicted in the picture appearing to be speaking and offering thanks, saying, “I hope you realize how much you did for us.” The mystery surrounding the bug’s nature is still unresolved, and it’s unknown if it resulted in a spoken dialogue exchange. Although the precise source of the issue remains undetermined, a user proposed a possible correlation with the utilization of the Fallout 4 Sim Settlements mod. According to this theory, the moderator might be interfering with the settlers’ planned conversation, which is why a talking dog appears out of the blue.

Though a number of remarkable non-human characters have been presented in the Fallout series, the idea of talking canines is still untapped. Given the show’s history of welcoming the strange and fantastical, this kind of thing wouldn’t be wholly unusual. Players in the Commonwealth can purchase the Junkyard Dog from a character by the name of Gene. But, people looking to buy this item shouldn’t expect a similar experience to what ItsYaBoi1232 described.

In 2024, the Fallout franchise seems to have a bright future. The highly anticipated release of Fallout 4’s next generation, which was unexpectedly delayed from its original projected release date of late 2023, is something that players may look forward to. With the debut of the Fallout TV series in April—the first time the venerable series will be adapted for television—the brand is also reaching a smaller screen. Video game adaptations are usually met with skepticism, but the first trailer makes it seem as though the concepts and feel of the original games would be maintained.

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