How to Convert BTC to TRX with LetsExchange?


If you are going to convert BTC to TRX, you won’t find any issues finding a platform that supports both of the mentioned cryptocurrencies, along with comfortable swap conditions, and similar. However, if you start checking, you will see that not all platforms are similar. The range of offered benefits differs, and the safety level of a platform, which is the most important selection criterion, can differ a lot. 

Therefore, you might need to check all the details before you opt for one or another option. And therefore, the selection process might be pretty challenging. That’s why we have chosen an optimal platform for you to swap over 370 coins effortlessly. On, you can do it. And here are just some reasons why you shall choose this platform over hundreds of other similar options. 

Benefits that you get by selecting LetsExchange

When you choose LetsExchange, you get there top safety. It is the main thing when you are dealing with money. It is a registered company with a legal address, and it operates based on all the required permissions.

LetsExchange is an instant exchange. It means that no account registration is required. You can start swapping coins asap, as soon as the exchange rates are profitable for you. No KYC is needed, either. This is the main benefit that this anonymous cryptocurrency exchange can offer compared to similar traditional exchanges. 

Another benefit is the huge amount of coins available for swapping. You can swap more than 370 coins there, without any limitations in the coin number transferred within one operation; the number of operations isn’t limited, either. It means that you can exchange any coin, even the rarest one, without any issues.

Now, let’s move to the swapping process. First of all, make sure the rate is selected correctly. You can choose between a fixed and a fluctuating exchange rate. In the first case, you get the sum that is displayed at the swap initiation even if the conditions change while you are exchanging your crypto. In the second case, the result might be impacted by the rate changes that occur during the process of swapping. The first option is better for beginners, and the second one is good for experienced traders who want to leverage on every rate change.

Now, all you need to do is to follow a simple instruction:

  • You provide the coin to sell and indicate its amount.
  • You provide the coin to buy. The amount is calculated automatically.
  • You provide the receiving address. 
  • You make a deposit to the address provided by the platform and complete the swap.

If you have a promo code, do not forget about it, too. 

If you swap a memo coin, you might be asked to provide a special code – never ignore such messages. Otherwise, your coins might be lost forever. 

When the swap is over, you can download a receipt with all the details about the transaction. And you can exchange your coins again, whenever you want.

Along with the ease of use, you can count on the best rates there. When you place your request, an algorithm compares conditions among plenty of liquidity providers, and every time, the most profitable deal is picked up for every swap. 

Now, some words about the fees. They are present, but they are minimal. The platform charges a fee of a liquidity provider and a blockchain fee. That’s it.

And finally, if you have any concerns, you are welcome to address them to the company’s customer support. The guys are online all the time, and they solve all the issues efficiently. 

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